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OUR Funders

Our Funders

Support from our funders is essential to the work we do at the Disability Justice Network of Ontario. We deeply appreciate their commitment to our cause, helping us push forward in our mission for a more accessible Ontario.

Hamilton Community Foundation (HCF)

Hamilton Community Foundation (HCF) is part of a network of over 191 Canadian community foundations that contribute time, leadership and financial support to initiatives that benefit their community most, based on an intimate understanding of local needs and opportunities.

Ontario Trillium
Foundation (OTF)

Ontario Trillium Foundation’s (OTF) mission is to build healthy and vibrant communities throughout Ontario by investing in community-based initiatives and strengthening the impact of Ontario’s non-profit sector.

Anti-Racism Anti-Hate
Grant (ARAH)

Anti-Racism Anti-Hate Grant (ARAH) is investing $3.2 million to build stronger, safer and more inclusive communities. It provides funding to 58 community-led projects that increase public awareness of the impacts of racism and hate and improve access to services and support for those who experience it.


These projects aim to:

  • build capacity to recognize and prevent acts of racism and hate

  • enhance community services and dialogue on racism and hate

  • deepen society’s understanding of the impact of hate

The Law Foundation of Ontario

The Law Foundation of Ontario was established in 1974 under the Law Society Act. The Foundation receives and uses the interest in lawyers’ and paralegals’ mixed trust accounts to support legal education, legal research, legal aid, and law libraries in Ontario. We do this through grantmaking to nonprofits and providing funds to Legal Aid Ontario.

The Laidlaw Foundation

The Laidlaw Foundation has officially taken up residence at Foundation House – a new hub for philanthropic collaboration, learning and sharing in Toronto. As one of three founding partners, along with the Lawson Foundation and the Counselling Foundation of Canada, the Laidlaw Foundation is excited by the potential of Foundation House to spark greater collaboration in the philanthropic and charitable sector.

© 2023 by Disability Justice Network of Ontario.

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