For Immediate Release 12 February 2025
Toronto, Ontario—A growing group of organizations and individuals—including Disability Justice Network of Ontario, ODSP Action Coalition, and Toronto Disability Pride March—have come together to respond to over thirty years of social murder and austerity brought about against disabled people across Ontario. From Mike Harris to the current government of Doug Ford, disabled Ontarians have been constantly and consistently failed by the Province of Ontario through the undermining and underfunding of our social systems at every turn and every level.
“Enough is enough. Action must be taken to change the fundamental direction of the Province of Ontario,” stated Ron Anicich of the EndAusterity.ca Campaign. “Disabled communities in Ontario will not be silent now or following the current election.”
The group has developed a full set of policy positions that will be updated and grow with further community feedback and development because this isn’t an election platform, but a society platform. They urge people across Ontario to take up issues found in the Platform with every party and push now—no matter who wins the next election.
“This is a call to all Ontarians to take care of each other and hold the powerful to account, together,” said Keat Welsh, an organizer
the EndAusterity.ca Campaign, “We see the value in each other and in building the Ontario we dream of together—a place to not just live, but thrive and grow together.”
Members of the public are encouraged to check out endausterity.ca and join the movement.
Media Contact:
Brad Evoy, media@djno.ca
Andrea Hatala, odspactioncoalition@gmail.com
Sydney Butler, torontodisabilitypride@gmail.com